Sunday, June 9, 2013

Driven By Boredom: The Tumblr

In regards to your 35mm photography, do you have any preferred types of film?

Yeah for sure. I shoot Kodak Portra. 400 ISO usually. I miss their VC Portra but I am reasonably...

Chico x NYC van. 

Chico x NYC van. 

We all got problems…

We all got problems…

Igor. What's your plan for Vancouver? If you have any down time you are welcome to come chill out on a lake on my boat. Usually a very good crew of people chilling and having fun.

I have no idea Vancouver is the very last stop on my adventure. Let's hope I make it that far....

RIP my corner bodega.

RIP my corner bodega.

Help fund my road trip! Big things happen when I travel!...

Help fund my road trip! Big things happen when I travel!

Go look at the naked photos I posted of Mabel Wolfe yesterday!

Go look at the naked photos I posted of Mabel Wolfe yesterday!

She's got some serious DSLs…

She's got some serious DSLs…

Someone made an animated gif out of my photos of Samantha...

Someone made an animated gif out of my photos of Samantha Bentley and Lexi Lowe. 

Ice cream & soda.

Ice cream & soda.

Help me fund my cross country road trip zine project so I can...

Help me fund my cross country road trip zine project so I can take photos of naked girls all along Route 66!

You can get some rad stuff out of it!

Make sure you check out both my photos from the Brooklyn Zombie...

Make sure you check out both my photos from the Brooklyn Zombie Crawl and the zombie crawl after party!



Topless Tuesday "Holy shit Stoya looks adorable brushing...

Topless Tuesday "Holy shit Stoya looks adorable brushing her teeth!" edition.

Topless Tuesday, "What the fuck happend on my...

Topless Tuesday, "What the fuck happend on my birthday?" edition.

New DBB stickers! If you want some PayPal $2 to...

New DBB stickers! If you want some PayPal $2 to!

Keeping the Alysha Nett coming… Everyone loves Alysha!

Keeping the Alysha Nett coming… Everyone loves Alysha!

Zombie Crawl class photo.

Zombie Crawl class photo.

Sexy zombie shit. @scarlettstorm @smurfasaur

Sexy zombie shit. @scarlettstorm @smurfasaur

Make sure you check out the photos of chef Eddie Huang I posted...

Make sure you check out the photos of chef Eddie Huang I posted last night.

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