Friday, June 7, 2013

Question. If you live in the US, you can't travel straight to Cuba right?

No u gotta jump the borders like the Mexicans, that's karma for you fuckers.

Do you go to a private school?

Yes, private school of swag


born sinner leaked

born sinner leaked

If she has techno music on her playlist she is a whore.

If she has techno music on her playlist she is a whore.

fuck this kid is a fucking moron, i found a nice package for 450$ for july 15, but he doesnt wanna...

fuck this kid is a fucking moron, i found a nice package for 450$ for july 15, but he doesnt wanna book it. gay nigga

300$ for the plane ticket and hotel for 5 days + 295 taxes. fu taxes

300$ for the plane ticket and hotel for 5 days + 295 taxes.

fu taxes

All my friends are so fucking stupid, I wanna book the tickets for cuba now for mid july and he...

All my friends are so fucking stupid, I wanna book the tickets for cuba now for mid july and he wants to do it at the end of june…………nigga lets get it now since its cheap.


Vigilance (1991), by Julia Scher: Representative of Scher's...

Vigilance (1991), by Julia Scher: Representative of Scher's elaborate involvement with security systems as both social critique and material for art. In this installation for the Centre Pompidou, she installed several black-and-white surveillance cameras in unpredictable, empty spaces in the museum. Visitors are taped, and, as they proceed through the museum, they can see their own image on monitors in other rooms. But they also see pre-taped images of other people in the same spaces performing often aggressive actions, but they are unaware that the footage had been taped earlier. They think it is live and they can become very anxious. They might see people fighting or lying naked on the floor, but they are not sure where they are or if they are in need. Potentially, a certain panic could erupt; panic propelled by the very "security" systems that are supposed to offer solace and safety.


evske: Antonina Vasylchenko by Fanny Latour-Lambert


Antonina Vasylchenko by Fanny Latour-Lambert

"Say it with a flower"Amica, April 2013Myf Shepherd by...

"Say it with a flower"
Amica, April 2013
Myf Shepherd by Christian Anwander
styling by Ye Young Kim; Dolce & Gabbana bra, Caractère skirt 

historiespast: Women in Chicago being arrested for wearing one...


Women in Chicago being arrested for wearing one piece bathing suits, without the required leg coverings. 1922 


localicon: Goodfellas







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